Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Adulthood Checklist

Today on the blog, I'm sharing some "adulting" tips for us millennials. I celebrated my 26th birthday last week (eek.. only 4 years till 30!). I began thinking about all the goals I had set for myself. Some I have achieved, some I am still working on, and some things I have achieved that I never thought of as goals. I thought I'd share some tips and tricks I've learned along the way. I've seriously considered this post for while because I've wondered if I have fully become an adult and should render advice. I still love Disney movies and eating Fruity Pebbles for breakfast. However, I think adulthood is a process. Life is always changing and it is exciting and scary at the same time. I would say in the past 3-4 years (post-college), I've learned so much in the way of being an adult. So here is my list:

(1) Make time for family: For me, this has always been a top priority. In adulthood, you begin to appreciate your parents and the scarifies they made for you through the years. Get to the know the people who make you...YOU! Jobs, boyfriend/girlfriends, and friends come and go, but your family remains. Sadly, one day you won't be able to pick up the phone and call your favorite aunt or your dad, so make time for them now. You never know when they will be gone. Call them, eat dinner with them, or send them a gift.

(2) Travel: Evan and I set this goal when we got married. We wanted to travel as much as we could while we were young and could enjoy the quality time together. That may be a trip to Hawaii or a trip to the beach, it doesn't matter as long as you experience the journey. It always does my soul good to step away and venture to a new place. The memories we have made on trips have been better than any material gift. My tip is to plan in advance. Figure out the costs, things you might want to do, and where to stay. Ask those who have been to the place you want to go. You can save money by cutting a habit like drinking sodas or eating out. With the internet, it is so easy to find inexpensive ways to encounter the place you are going.

(3) Invest in Quality Items: This is so essential! Save your money and buy quality items that you can use in the future. For example, buy a nice quality suit. You will have a job interview one day, right!?  PSA: Banana Republic has some of my favorite suits. Also, invest in nice shoes and a good purse. Nothing will make you look more put together than a nice pair of shoes and a nice bag. Invest in Kate Spade, Tory Burch, or a Louis Vuitton. They seriously last forever and give you such a presentable look and trust me, people always notice what you wear! There is only one first impression. The cost is may be high, but plan for it. I can't tell you how many times I have spent money on the cheap items to cut corners and only had to go back and buy quality, spending more money in the process when quality was the more valuable option.

(4) Start a Retirement Account: I know it sounds crazy, right? I'm only 26. Evan works in the financial industry and he always promotes investing in your future. Social Security, regardless of political beliefs, is a long-shot for us. It is on you to have enough to one day retire. If you are lucky enough to find a job that offers a 401(k) with a match, TAKE ADVANTAGE! It is free money and the tax-deferred growth is fantastic. Don't believe me? A quick Google search will confirm this. 401(k) plans are also very low cost from an investment perspective and are low maintenance. They have different funds available depending on risk tolerance and many providers offer services to help you get started. Check out where you stand on your retirement goals with Personal Capital's Retirement Planner!

(5) Check your Credit Report: If you ever want to buy a car or house... you better know your score. I sound like one of those television commercials now but seriously. I recently had to do this and had no idea where to begin. I had to phone a friend. There are so many sights that will let you check your score for free. However, be careful and don't check it often because it can cause your score to go down (which is not good!). A credit card is not required, so don't fall for that!

(6) Learn to Eat Alone: So many people can't do this. I always found that strange. In college, sometimes I would go eat by myself (at Salsarita's, of course). I honestly loved it. I'm sure people were like what is she doing all alone but it was nice to just being happy in my own company. I found through the years that a lot of people can't do this. They simply don't know how to be alone. I think it's a huge sign of adulthood when you can learn to be content in your own presence and own thoughts. Try it! Eat dinner by yourself. You might enjoy it.

(7) Get a Pet: However, make sure you can handle the responsibility! It is a lot of work (they are like kids) but they can bring so much joy and compassion in your life. Bella and Bo taught me a lot about being responsible and being a parent. I worry when they are sick and work hard to meet there needs. Even on a lousy day, it's so awesome to come home to something who loves you more than life itself. They can make any day a better day. As I write this, Bo is sitting in my lap, snuggling me. Pets are also a great excuse to get outside after a long day. They need exercise and so do you. No offense, we all do!

(8) Create Meaningful Relationships: Dating can be hard. My best advice is to date people with the idea of "marriage" in mind. Not that you might marry that person but if that person was your spouse, is that the kind of person you want to raise your kids, the person you want to see on a bad day, or the person who is with you when you are sick? Dating to date never made much sense to me. Maybe I'm a romantic at heart, but I think especially when you hit your mid-20s you have to be intentional when dating someone. Life is way too short to spend it with someone you don't really love.

(9) Guard your Reputation: When someone is hiring you for a job, they are creeping on your Facebook, Instagram, and all the in-between. Make sure you are showing the best you. Everything you post on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram is always there. No matter how many times you delete it or change it. It can be found and could cost you your dream job. Think about how others may perceive you. Would you hire you? Social media has changed the way we hire. Your resume is great but who are you really? If you would cringe if your grandmother saw the picture, think twice about posting it. Also, given it is a political year, keep those thoughts to yourself. Employers look at that and may think rethink that potential offer.

(10) Work on your Resume: If you don't know how to write one, ask someone you consider successful. Career centers at most schools will help too! They use placement numbers to their advantage so they have a vested interest in your success. Also, major companies have many resources available. It can be confusing.. one page or two? What font? Should I add this? Don't be afraid to get advice. When looking for your dream job, the way your resume looks can tell a lot about you. Make sure your spelling is correct and have someone proofread. One trick is to read it out aloud, you will catch the mistakes! Then, when you get the interview, keep it self-centered. Employers don't want to hear about what a group of you did, they want to know about the person sitting across the table and your accomplishments.

Have a wonderful week and good luck!

[Scallop Tank]: Francescas, [Jeans]: Red Dress Boutique, [Heels]: Red Dress Boutique, [Cross-body]: Tory Burch, [Earrings]: Bauble Bar, [Bracelets]: Alex and Ani

In collaboration with Personal Capital. All opinions are my own. Click pictures for link to outfit details. 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Daddy's Day

     I know Father's Day has come and gone but dads are special every day of the year. I am so thankful to have a supportive and caring father. I know a lot of people are not as blessed in that sense. Fun fact: my dad actually taught me to read. Although, I wasn't very thankful at the time, I am now since I decided to pursue a career essentially in reading. I used to cry and beg not to read those little "I am Sam" books. I'm always thankful he pushed me and wouldn't let me stop until I accomplished a goal. This year for Father's Day I wanted to commemorate the goals he helped me achieve. I took an "I am Sam" book, a note, a picture of when I was five, and a picture from law school graduation and had it all matted/framed. Daddy helped me reach a dream even though he didn't know it at the time, neither did I.
     I grew up on a farm so my dad also taught me how to take care of animals. I am an animal lover, no doubt. I want to pet all the dogs and hug all the furry animals. So for this little daddy's day shoot, we decided to do it on the farm with this sweet little donkey. She is seriously the sweetest animal on the planet. I've wanted a pet donkey for a long time (have you seen a miniature donkey??!!). I'd be happy to ride my donkey to any law related job (haha, watch me!). Anyway, we had a great time shooting this (even though Dad isn't so sure about modeling).
      Finally, if you don't have a dad on earth that is special to you or even if you do...I encourage you to look to your Heavenly Father. He is the prime example of true fatherhood. It's a love without end; unconditional. He cares for you, wants you to prosper, and hurts when you hurt. Over the past few weeks, I've seen people suffer, both nationwide and locally. I am prone to want to help, but only God can provide the comfort people need in this world. He can provide the love of an all-star parent. Pray, read the Bible, and seek Him. Seek and ye shall find.
     I hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day and enjoy this beautiful weekend!

[Dress]: Fab'rik, similar Red Dress Boutique, [Shoes]: Target, [Earrings]: Kendra Scott, [Bracelet]: Fab'rik, [Watch]: Apple Watch,  [Sunglasses]: Ray Ban, [Dad's Shirt]: Gap, [Dad's Sunglasses]: Maui Jims

** Click photos for outfit details. Accessories are linked on earlier posts. Questions? Email me at diamondsonhersoul@gmail.com

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

It's My Party

     PSA:  my birthday is coming up next week! The big 2-6! I love celebrating birthdays and any other "holiday."  Usually our family takes a trip to Disney and I celebrate at Magic Kingdom. I mean what better way than to be at the happiest place on earth? However, this year is a little different and more low-key but I'm still excited. So today I'm sharing 10 things you may or may not know about me, especially if you are new to my blog.

1) My favorite color is blue.  I don't know why but everyone always thinks it's pink. I must look like a pink kinda gal. I specially love turquoise. I have so many clothes that color. My bedroom at my parents house is even painted that color. Hence, my blog colors.

2) I actually have an undergraduate degree in biology. I was always interested in anatomy and how the body worked. However,  I had a little change of heart and decided to go to law school but I'm thankful for the hard work and determination that being a biology major taught me.

3) I grew up on a farm. I know, me? Yep. We had cows, chickens, and horses. I'm a huge lover of animals, which probably comes from growing up around so many animals. I still love driving out of the city and hitting the country roads.

4) I am an only child. So no only child jokes... jk. But seriously, I kind of wish I had siblings to bond with but I had a great childhood. So, I can't complain too much.

5) Dateline is my favorite show. Apparently I didn't get enough law in law school. Seriously, all my friends make fun of me because I watch it every week or record it. I even get texts from NBC about what show is coming on (yes, it's a thing) and I follow dateline on twitter. Keith Morrison was born for that job.

6) I am an Alpha Xi Delta. I loved being a sorority. It's how I met my husband and how I made some of my closest friends. I am thankful for the experience and getting to meet really awesome girls from my sorority and others.

7) My favorite book and movie is The Great Gatsby. I loved it when we read it in high school and still love it. When the movie came out, we had to see in theaters. It's been out a few years but if it is ever on television I will watch. I have probably seen it a million times but I'd watch it a million more.

8) I'm gluten free. I have been gluten free for two years. It was super hard at first but now I have adjusted and it makes me feel so much better. Thankfully more foods are coming out gluten free. I do miss the occasional doughnut or pasta. Can someone please make a gf doughnut?? Krispy Kreme and Dunkin' Doughnuts.. I'm talking to you.

9) I love to dance. I started dancing when I was two. I really enjoyed ballet and contemporary style dance. I was on competitive teams for years. My senior year I won platinum for my solo. My parents still have all my costumes and dance shoes. I miss dancing but I still dance in my kitchen or with my dogs.

10) Hootie and the Blowfish is my favorite band. I'm a total 90's girl. Last August, Evan and I got to see them live in Charleston, SC. It was on my bucket-list. Hearing "Only Wanna Be With You" live was unforgettable.

     Have an awesome week and weekend! Click on photos for direct links to products.

[Tee]: ilycouture, [Shorts]: One Teaspoon, [Sneakers]: Converse, [Colorful Bracelets]: Perlaarm Candy, [Silver Bracelets]: David Yurman, [Sunglasses]: Ray Bans

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Pineapple Party

      Happy June! It's the best month, if I do say so myself because it's my birthday month!
     Today, I'm sharing this adorable tank dress from Lilly Pulitzer. T-shirt and tank dresses are my go to look because they are easy and comfortable in this summer heat. You can wear them with heels, sneakers, or sandals.  I don't know about ya'll but it is getting hot in North Carolina.  I need something cool to wear outside! This dress comes in three prints but I honestly love the pineapples print. I love pineapples. Our kitchen is decorated in pineapples because they represent southern hospitality and for us, Charleston, SC. So how perfect is this dress?
      This tank dress is also perfect to throw over a swimsuit for a quick lunch or sitting by the pool. I plan on wearing it as a cover-up too. It's a relaxed fit and I recommend going down one size because it is such a loose fit. I'm wearing a size small for reference.  How cute is the back of this dress? I love it!
     You may have noticed I didn't post on the blog last Friday but I promise I did't forget. For the summer,  I will now be posting once a week with plans to resume around full blast in August. I have some exciting but time consuming things going on in my life. However, follow me on instagram (@themeganwhite) because I will be posting primarily from there for the summer. I hope ya'll have a great week!

[Dress]: Lilly Pulitzer, [Flower Crown]: Francesca's, similar Forever 21, [Shoes]: Reddress Boutique, [Watch]: Apple Watch, [Bangles]: Lilly Pulitzer, similar, [Bracelet]: Lilly & Laura,  [Earrings]: Lilly Pulitzer